Binary Hex Table

The program that we had created was in javascript and its idea was to make a table of 18 rows and 3 collums. The use for this program was to create a table that took the numbers 0-17 and translate them into Binary (Base Two) and Hexadecimal ( Base 16). During the coding, it was mainly a bunch of copy and pasting the same code over and over again and shifting the location so that it alligns with the previous numbers.

Inovation Analysis #1

So my article was on Swarm Drones. This concept of swarm drones has already been used in a few places across the globe. The idea is to have a group of drones (aka robots) that instead of getting fed data from a user/controller, it is being fed information from the other drones. The idea is to have them set up so that each drone feeds each other data and make decisions based on group data. This can be used in a variety of ways from searching for a submarine to homeland security. The bigger the swarm is, the more data is being fed, the more capable the swarm is. The drones then can feed be built for multiple tasks because they can feed data of each other on what to do and what not to do.

My partners article was on self driving cars. The idea behind this inovation was a saftey concern with he current state of cars. Road accidents are mainly caused by human error, and the ability for the car to drive by itself partially eliminates that. People often get into acidents from things like fatigue, DUI(Driving under Influence, DWI (Driving while intoxicated),etc. How the car works is that it is like the drones from the previous paragraph, it analayzes its situation and enviornment. This is also helpful to people like the disabled and the elderly who are sometimes inable to use a car properly.

Straw Structure Essay

The straw project was a 3 day project where the objecive was to make a straw beam that extends over the an extended area without touching the floor. We didn't plan out much besides to have a big base from the table and hope it supports the entire structure. However that was not the case, 2ft in, the structure was already leaning towards the floor, we had to figure out how to bring it back up. We thought of an idea of where we can pull the sructure back with a few straws so that it bring he tip of the sructure

Inovation Analysis #2

The first innovation on biometrics is on how your physical traits and actions are used as passwords in your day to day life. It is a widely used innovation in things like personal property secured with a physical password only you have. Or maybe something like getting into disneyland. Biometrics is your own password, one that only you have. It ranges from your iris structure, to something as wild as your vein structure. It’s fairly common technology now. But there are some harmful effects on society it can have. Three problems the article mentioned were: Over reliance, it’s inaccessible, and interoperability. The over reliance is that people can end up relying on this too much and forget things such as day to day security practices. Inaccessibility in this case means that this innovation/form of technology does not perform well or work well with people such as the disabled or the elderly.

This second innovation is on 3D printing and how it can be used in the medical field. 3D printing has been around for almost 40 years years now, but now it’s gonna have an even bigger future in the world of health. Its general idea is to make objects by fusing materials together. What this can do for the world of health is to create organs for people who are in need. Soon it can even be used to make custom medicines for dire patients. But since it has not been perfected, there can be many risks that can blossom from using 3D printers in the medical industry.

How a computer is set up

Spaceship in Javascript

The objective of this program was to produce an image of a spaceship in sequencial order. The program worked as it was intended to but we didn't get to finish it with the help of pair programming. Some challenges we had was trying to get the image to look very similar to the orignal. Another challenge was remembering that the top left hand side corner has the cordinates of 0,0. The challenges were handled. On the right side of the image, I had posted the code that we had so far. Basically it was just a bunch of copying and pasting from one part to the next so the colors are consisant and the size is consistant. Rect produces a rectangle that takes in an x value , y value (positions), a width, and a height. Same thing for ellipse. Everything else has to deal with how the background size is, the color of it the outline color, and the outline thickness.

Scratch Robot Maze Pair Programming

The apprentice program after running ended up in the same square the robot had started in. This is because when we asked it to repeat the forward block four times, each time, we asked it to turn 90 degrees to the left, allowing it to circle back up into the same square it started in.

Scratch Binary Hex Converter


To start off, converting numbers in base 10 to base 2, or in other words counting numbers to binary.

Scratch Learning

Today we were taught how scratch works with basic commands and controls. I started the first 15 minutes messing around and meming, but in the next half of the period, i worked on a small game where the objective is to slowly increase the amount of balls on the screen while your m

Scratch Part 2

My program is now how